Outland Hotel: Prologue, A Quandary

These fucking dreams… I’m not talking about just bad dreams; nightmares about hanging on the brink of economic oblivion, or falling off a cliff, or angels and devils in flight; robes billowing, swords slashing in angelic blood, spraying the distal clouds with their...

Outland Hotel: The Hotel

Fragments, pieces: A violin curls and flits. Void. Smattering of images, little electronic pings, smears of pixelated colors, odd static, noise, bits of poetry; Hark! What light through yonder window breaks? It’s just the shadow of Norman Bates He holds his mama and...

Outland Hotel: A Room

Mandolin is about five feet four inches tall.  His subservient size suits him.  A bellhop is, after all, a servant.  It might make some guests feel uncomfortable if he was too tall.  It’s fortunate for Mandolin, and noble for he is so completely obliviously himself as...

Outland Hotel: Voodoo Totem Man

I throw the door to room 431 open.  I’m wilting molten glass.  An instant change of air with the hallway rolls around me as blast furnace heat of the room escapes from itself.  I begin to get dizzy and the hallway slightly dims.  My hand connects with the door jamb...

Outland Hotel: Shadow Chase

“Is that a bullet hole in the hem of his jacket?”   I hear one of the party people whisper behind me. My hand reaches instinctively for the hem, and the party revelers break out in hysterical laughter.  I feel duped.  How do they know about the desert and the...

Outland Hotel: The Library

Standing on top of a bookcase I survey a cavernous room filled with row after row of such bookcases.  The rain in my clothes trickles off of me like a thousand runny faucets.  The PLIT PLAT of water drops is almost deafening in the vault silent room.  I almost crack...