Dicks Not Guns: A Manifesto

To me, sex is such a basic part of our humanity, but as entertainment it is still shut away in the shadows – taboo. We glorify guns and big explosions, swords and all kinds of weaponry. We invent endless ways to kill each other and to die as a way to dramatize...
Evocronik Cyberpunk: Early 2D Comics Version

Evocronik Cyberpunk: Early 2D Comics Version

Back in 2010 I was trying to figure out what to do with Evocronik, which started out as a screenplay, then became an unfinished novel in 2009.  I wanted to tell the story visually, so I was keen to figure out a way to do it.  I started experimenting with...
Evocronik Cyberpunk: Introducing CC

Evocronik Cyberpunk: Introducing CC

Bringing in a new character is always a challenge because of all the work involved with setting it up; design, modelling, texturing, rigging…  It takes time.  And wrangling all the software involved in creating the characters is not for the weak...