Back in 2010 I was trying to figure out what to do with Evocronik, which started out as a screenplay, then became an unfinished novel in 2009. I wanted to tell the story visually, so I was keen to figure out a way to do it. I started experimenting with drawing a comic – not my preferred method of visual story telling, but whatever. Here are the panels I produced.
It’s funny. With artists, we’re always looking at our stuff – whatever it is, writing, filmmaking, drawing… at times we love it, at other times we wonder – what the hell was I thinking? As usual, I can find a lot to criticize about my own work, but I’m also pretty happy with it. These panels are the only drawn art that exists of Evocronic, except for the “In Virtua” Poster. Drawing is not my strongest skill. I do a much better job of sculpting and building stuff in 3D…