Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 1 | Meat Hook, Part 3
He liked to watch the sex workers, especially one in particular, Nina Carmente, a.k.a. Nina “Savage,” “Mistress Nina,” as she liked to call herself. Keeping track of her was one of his simple pleasures, one of the easiest things in the world for an AI…

Sitting Pretty: Pinup of the Week
Nina has been through a few iterations since I started Evocronik. This is the version I’m using for all of the Cyberpunk Porn stuff, and this is the version that will appear in future episodes of the animated...Dicks Not Guns: A Manifesto
To me, sex is such a basic part of our humanity, but as entertainment it is still shut away in the shadows – taboo. We glorify guns and big explosions, swords and all kinds of weaponry. We invent endless ways to kill each other and to die as a way to dramatize...
Evocronik Cyberpunk Porn: CC’s Revenge, Part 4
CC finally arrives, but it may not be the help Nina’s looking for.
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