Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 1 | Meat Hook, Part 1
Being tied up is Guy’s favorite game…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 1 | Meat Hook, Part 2
…what is an educated doctor, a surgeon, doing smoking in the Year of Our Lord, 2035? Well, let me put it to you this way, there is enough particulate matter raining down all over Los Angeles to equal roughly a pack of cigarettes each hour for every man, woman, and child living in this urban scarred desert…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 1 | Meat Hook, Part 3
He liked to watch the sex workers, especially one in particular, Nina Carmente, a.k.a. Nina “Savage,” “Mistress Nina,” as she liked to call herself. Keeping track of her was one of his simple pleasures, one of the easiest things in the world for an AI…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 2 | Booty Bandits, Part 1
My boy, Guy, the pee-er. Right. He’s on the other side of the screen, marinating. I’ve only been in here five minutes and the dude’s getting impatient!
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 2 | Booty Bandits, Part 2
I’m on high speed, partly from the laced cigarettes, not wanting to get caught, even if what I’m doing is tacitly acknowledged by Mick’s bosses…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 2 | Booty Bandits, Part 3
That’s my girl, he thought to himself, as he watched her catlike and bulging with a finely exposed musculature under bronze skin which glowed sex and power…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 2 | Booty Bandits, Part 4
Now a 100K might seem like a high price to pay… It isn’t really, not these days… Might buy a year in Virtua… or just the ticket to have your self up-rezed by some 5fth rate hacker in Angel City… which is to say he’ll leave you comatose in an alley, fresh meat for the organ traffickers, while he buys a month’s supply of BLUE…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 3 | Angel City, Part 1
Nina arrives in Angel City, after her harrowing date with “Guy” … No, this is not an alternate timeline, it’s just an earlier version of events…
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 3 | Angel City, Part 2
When a gun battle breaks out in Angel City, Nina’s girlfriend, Erika, comes to the rescue.
Evocronik Cyberpunk Novella: Ch 3 | Angel City, Part 3
Angel City was like the big boogie man. It was like prison, a death sentence. Nobody wanted to wind up in A.C., and if the cops got you that’s where you would surely go.